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Educational Festival-2011
The Lahore Resolution was indeed a landmark in the history of India and of the Muslims. Before this, the Muslims of India had no goal and no future in view and Muslim politics remained in the hands of the individuals with conflicting interests and inclinations. As soon as Lahore Resolution was passed by the Muslim League, the Hindu press started criticizing the Muslim League and declared this resolution as Pakistan Resolution. Slowly and gradually, Muslim were moving towards their goal and in a short span of seven years of their struggle, the Muslims of Indo-Pak Subcontinent finally succeeded in getting Pakistan, on 14th of August, 1947. The dream of Mohammad Ali Jinnah and thousands of other Muslim workers came true on this day. Every year on 23rd of March, the country celebrates this day with great joy and enthusiasm.
The Shah Baig Lane Educational & Welfare Society” whose aim is to provide the quality education and arrange awareness program for the young generation living in Lyari, so they should know how Pakistan came into being and role played by our leaders like Allama Iqabal, M. Ali Jinnah, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan etc etc.
To Celebrate the forth coming 23rd March “Pakistan Day” SEWS is going to organize a three day “Educational Festival 2011” in Lyari Town in collaboration with “Educational Department Lyari Town and National Bank of Pakistan” Students from Government and Private Schools will participate ( Girls & Boys)
During this festival following competition among students of different school will be held.
- Debate
- Drawing
- Cultural Songs
- Quiz
- Tablue
- Science Exhibition