Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Children rally; education the first motive was taken place

Children rally; education the first motive was taken place.

Shah Baig Lane Educational And Welfare Society set up (Child Rights Committee) for the children of Lyari, which, struggle for the children to achieve their fundamental rights. The committee, took one concrete step to have a rally before few days which, means; “Education the fundamental right”. The rally was initiated by the chairman of (SEWS) Sir Yousuf Lasi who apprised that we have many problems as; health, education, nutrition and better fulfillment as well as lack of concentration of parents and children punishment. The rally, which, is taking place because of childrens’ basic, needs which, is education. The representatives of the society and the political members think that the renovated building is the proper resolution of education but the fundamental facilities as well as lack of concentration of teachers’ and the environment is not seen. We have many schools, which are slaughtering places owing to educational ones. This peaceful rally passes through the important places of Lyari and ends at Lyari Town Office. They had beautiful slogan behalf of children rights. As it was about to be finished, children’s resolution was read.

1. We have to remove the severe punishment from seminaries as well as schools.

2. While not sending the children at schools, parents ought to be punished according to the ordinance of 2001.

3. We had better design a “Child Committee” in Lyari Town.

The rally was ended peacefully.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

                                   Lyari's children issues and their solution

Shah Baig Lane Educational and Welfare Society and (SPARC) conducted an educational seminar in November 2009 on Thursday at A.R. Saleh Muhammad School Lyari on: “Children’s issues and their solution” where both Pvt and Govt students as well civil society's took part and demonstrated their vital points in respect of burning matter. They particularly pointed out child labour which, is totally a violation against children however, they further stated that we have many problems but below mentioned are the most indispensable such as, education, child labour, corporal punishment are the imperative. It is an account of joblessness as well as poverty. According to one participant Haseeb Nadeem said that most of the students they go to factories and companies owing to schools. Maira Qadir Bukhsh who strongly deplored and said to the media members that they are being forced by the owners. They (Parents) also severely beat their children at home and if they go to schools, they are going to be punished by teachers. Faiza Faiz Muhammad added more comments that we don’t have any basic facilities and our schools condition is totally dilapidated. We don't have either parks or play grounds where they (Children) had better do their physical activities to become mentally fresh. Nadia Gabol who is the Minister for human rights Pakistan as chief guest, she said that she is daughter of Lyari and she lives in Lyari. I really understand no development work is being on and where are the leaders? Especially, (MPA) Rafique engineer and (MNA) Nabil Ahmed Gabol. I feel much pleasure that the children who got much capability to express themselves regarding their issues. While, looking the pathetic sight of Lyari the allocated funds which was announced by the President Asif Ali Zardari, are not sufficient. Shermila Farooqi who is the adviser to Chief Minister said that she is very happy that children who belong to Lyari are eligible enough to demonstrate their views. Child labour is not only Lyari's problem but also entire Sindh. For the sack of Lyari's development, we announced much funds and the work is under process. She also announced five (05) computers for (SEWS). They also passed resolutions which are;

01: - We should use co curriculum activity in Lyari's school and not only to read and write but also give them instigations.

02: - We must have computer education in Govt Primary schools.

03: - We need an auditorium where co curriculum activities must be functional zed.

04: - We had better increase the parks in Lyari and punish those elements that stop the children while going there.

05: - They (parents) should also be punished who don't send their children at schools.


An establishment of the society where social, political and economical accessibility of rights could be possible.


People will be ready to achieve their social, political, and economical rights.


· Provide reasonable and qualitative education among poor children

· “To Educate People about Health” .

· “To Supervision the Youngsters Beyond Getting Jobs”

· “To Prepare for the Natural Calamities and Assist Effected”

· “To Raise Awareness about Human Rights”

· “To Fulminate Against Violence in the Society”

Shah Baig Lane Educational & Welfare Society (SEWS)

Educational Conference Report
December 19, 2009
Shah Baig Lane Educational & Welfare Society (SEWS) is a social organization, which has been doing its efforts since the 1st November 1993 for the sack of education. The organization started working and got accomplishment an account of region’s cooperation and set up another project by the name of “SELF” that does its pivotal role with elected representatives and civil societies members to make better the condition of government schools good and reliable enough as well as satisfactory.
Due to this project, we, (SELF) organized an educational conference on Saturday at Shaheed Mehr Buksh Hall near K.M.C. Hospital Ustad Abdul Sattar Road at 03:00 pm. In this conference, we received many advices and the most social activists such as Ghulam Nabi Affshari (Chairman) Peoples Aman Education Committee, Muhammad Yousuf Lasi (President) Baloch Ittehad, Abdul Wahid (Nazim) union council no 09. Abdul Sattar Khaskhaili (organizer Lyari Teachers’ Association), Qalandar Bukhsh (District organizer Primary Education Association), Sher Muhammad Shera (Senior Member Executive Committee), Muhammad Jumman Lassi (Labor Counselor UC.06), Molana Abdul Majeed Sarbazi (Acting President Peoples Aman Committee), Haseeb Nadeem (Member Child Assembly SPARK) and many social activists took part. While, preceding the educational conference Mr Ejaz Raza who is General Secretary of Shah Baig Lane Educational and Welfare Society further stated that we have many schools but they don’t have proper educational planning as well as activities and they are deteriorating day by day. What step exactly, should be taken to promote the education system? And where are we standing? Seeing this pathetic sight, and taking analysis to take one concrete step. Ghulam Nabi Affshari said that we spend less expenses and the education system is better than the govt schools even they have much expenses. In this result, most of the parents prefer sending their children in Pvt schools. Abdul Majeed said that we need more and more educational conferences. We (Peoples Aman Committee) took the educational expenses of one child from the family. He further stated that we had better take the practical steps to bring children from door to door and make this movement very strong. Abdul Wahid (Nazim UC.09) said that we have many schools’ building that are empty and we need to increase the ratio of the students at our schools. Muhammad Yosuf Lasi said that we need those teachers who belong to the region so as they have to pay the authentic role while looking after the system.Ghulam Fareed Raj who appreciated the participants and further said that we need educational seminar where we are supposed to arrange and work together policy will be owned in order to get success.
Besides, participants who have given these advices and ought to be pursued.

  • We need to start movement of admitting children at schools.
  • We need to have the technical as well as medical institutes’ approach where all the students face many problems to reach the destination should be removed.
  • We need to have SMC’s and PTA and CBOs where they should arrange meetings and have better planning’s for schools.
  • We need to have local teachers at Lyari Town.
  • We need to have the Senator’s allocated funds that should be spent only on education.
  • We need to have ADEOs male or female from Lyari Town.