Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Children rally; education the first motive was taken place

Children rally; education the first motive was taken place.

Shah Baig Lane Educational And Welfare Society set up (Child Rights Committee) for the children of Lyari, which, struggle for the children to achieve their fundamental rights. The committee, took one concrete step to have a rally before few days which, means; “Education the fundamental right”. The rally was initiated by the chairman of (SEWS) Sir Yousuf Lasi who apprised that we have many problems as; health, education, nutrition and better fulfillment as well as lack of concentration of parents and children punishment. The rally, which, is taking place because of childrens’ basic, needs which, is education. The representatives of the society and the political members think that the renovated building is the proper resolution of education but the fundamental facilities as well as lack of concentration of teachers’ and the environment is not seen. We have many schools, which are slaughtering places owing to educational ones. This peaceful rally passes through the important places of Lyari and ends at Lyari Town Office. They had beautiful slogan behalf of children rights. As it was about to be finished, children’s resolution was read.

1. We have to remove the severe punishment from seminaries as well as schools.

2. While not sending the children at schools, parents ought to be punished according to the ordinance of 2001.

3. We had better design a “Child Committee” in Lyari Town.

The rally was ended peacefully.

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